
Anatidae - Ducks and Geese

Phasianidae - Pheasants and Grouses

Phoenicopteridae - Flamingos

Podicipetidae - Grebes

Columbidae - Doves and Pigeons

Raillidae - Coots and Rails

Recurvirostridae - Stilts and Avocets

Haematopotidae - Oystercatchers

Charadriidae - Plovers

Scolopacidae - Sandpipers

Laridae - Gulls and Terns

Ciconiidae - Storks

Phalacrocoracidae - Cormorants

Ardeidae - Herons and Egrets

Treskiornithidae - Ibis's

Accipitridae - Hawks and Eagles

Upupidae - Hoopoes

Picidae - Woodpeckers

Falconidae - Falcons and Kestrels

Psittaculidae - Old World Parrots

Psittacidae - New World and African Parrots

Laniidae - Shrikes

Corvidae - Jays and Crows

Paridae - Tits

Alaudidae - Larks

Cisticoladae - Cisticolas

Hirundinidae - Swallows

Phylloscopidae - Leaf Warblers

Scotocercidae - Bush Warblers

Aegithalidae - Long-tailed Tits

Sylviidae - Whitethroats

Regulidae - Kinglets

Sittidae - Nuthatches

Certhiidae - Treecreepers

Troglodytidae - Wrens

Sturnidae - Starlings and Mynas

Turdidae - Thrushes

Muscicapidae - Old World Flycatcher

Pruneliidae - Dunnocks

Passeridae - Old World Sparrows

Motacillidae - Pipits

Fringilidae - Finches

Emberizidae - Old World Buntings